Thursday, February 20, 2003

Reply from Giant Food - RyKrisp not available at Marlow Heights

Thank you for again taking the time to contact us concerning your Marlow Heights Giant.

I am sorry you are disappointed that RyKrisp crackers are no longer available in your store. We still carry this item in some of our stores with adequate shelf space and consumer demand. Unfortunately, this item was not selling well in your store and we discontinued it. I am sorry to disappoint you, but please know that I have shared your appreciation for this product with our merchandisers for their information. The closest store to this location that is still authorized to carry this item is located at Beltway Plaza Shopping Center in Greenbelt.

Thanks, again, for contacting us. We appreciate this opportunity to
respond to your concern.


Maria Launder
Consumer Affairs Specialist
Ref: 106411

Followup reply to Giant Food

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Selected links about Giant Food

Wikipedia's history of Giant Food Includes the following statement about the once successful culture Giant has abandoned:
There were several reasons for Giant's market domination during Danzansky's 13-year tenure as president. First and most important were the principles laid down by founder N.M. Cohen. Companies often have paper principles but Cohen enforced them. The first principle was uncompromising quality. In the upscale Washington Metro Area, this was a competitive advantage Giant's competitors were slow to emulate until the advent of Whole Foods Market many years later. The second principle was value. Cohen believed that shoppers wouldn't mind paying a bit more if they got their money's worth in consistent quality. The third principle was service. Cohen was rarely in his office. He tirelessly spent his days dropping in unannounced at his store and making sure that every customer was treated as a welcome friend. He would be known to bawl out an employee for refusing to give a customer a refund for a spoiled competitor's product.